Sunday, September 4, 2011

A follow up with Collette Von Tora

For Collette's first TAMD interview with me click here.

Latex: Cathouse Clothing
Photographer: Scott Chalmers

Since her first interview with me, Collette has remained a busy gal. She's shot for numerous latex companies, done videos for, and shot various creative shoots. She approached me about doing another interview, and I have to say I was (and still am) flattered that she would want to do another one with me - so flattered that I took her up on that offer.

AS: Who or what inspired you to become a model?

Collette Von Tora: My biggest inspiration was Actually Dita Von Teese, the first time I learned about her and saw the modeling she was producing I was very much Driven to go for it. My name also gives a little nod to her. (It's where the "Von" comes from) The woman exudes classy and style and looks amazing in all of her work. I also find the art of the tease fascinating along with the whole burlesque scene. This is all something that I have easily Fallen into along with my modeling and it makes me very happy.

AS: You've been shooting a lot of Latex lately, what has been your favorite piece to shoot in?

CVT: That's a tricky one. I would have to say, and sorry to all the designers who didn't get a mention...but,  the "Life is A cabaret" Sally Bowles inspired outfit as designed by Cathouse Clothing, that I shot with Scott Chalmers. It's a very simple piece but, looked amazing and I adore the film. It was a real honor the Cathouse was willing to design the piece for the shoot. One of my favorite shoots to date.

Latex: Cathouse Clothing
Photographer: Scott Chalmers

AS: What has happened since your last interview?

CVT: So many things have happened since my last interview. The biggest thing is that I am now the official subscription and back issue girl for Haunted Magazine. The Bizzare Magazine  Ultra vixens competition win had a lot to do with that, I am very grateful. I am going to be featured in every issue of Haunted Magazine, for as long as I wish. The magazine can be purchased at select WH Smiths UKwide and online.

I have also [been] featured in 4 music videos so far this year for some excellent bands, including StormcorporationNeverdigm FallNightvision, & Jay Stansfield.

I have a lead role in a short film coming up later this year and I am also set to appear in some magazines over in America.

That plus countless other things such as, my being involved in a catwalk show for Fetasia Latex, which was called 'Slap and Twinkle'. I have also done a few videos for Latex Girls HD, that have been getting a good number of views...the list goes on...

Latex: Fetasia Latex
Photographer: Colin Grist (Pathway Studios)

AS: Being an alternative model has it's ups and downs. How do you deal with the lows?

CVT: It is true that I have to deal with a lot of downs as well as ups. I have in the past battled with depression, as most creative types do. I tend to get lost in my art. I force myself to plod on with things, even if I do not want to get out of bed in the morning. My modeling and acting are my passion and it keeps me going. If I did not have this, I am not sure how I would cope, maybe a new

I also try to keep things positive and enjoy making other people happy. As long as I can keep doing that, then I doubt the lows will ever really be too much of a challenge.

The trick is to keep going...even when you really feel that you can't.

AS: You've done a lot of shoots, covering a wide range of genres and styles but, what is your dream shoot?

CVT: My dream shoot would be a high fashion shoot with David LaChapelle. I know that is it highly unlikely to ever happen but, that would be it for me.

AS: How did you get started with Latex Girls HD?

CVT: I met Cole Black via Facebook and we got to chatting, it was around the time of the Bizarre competition so, there was quite a bit of interest in me being in the competition. Cole expressed an interest in working with me, I sent over a few videos that demonstrated that I could present and the rest is history. He is a joy to work with and his work is excellent. I foresee us working together a lot more in the future.

Still From Latex Girls HD video w/ Cole Black
Latex: Shhh! Couture

AS: You recently did a photoshoot depicting an exorcism, do you believe in exorcisms yourself?

CVT: I do not so much as believe in exorcisms, as I find the subject matter fascinating. I have watched a lot of exorcism films and read into them a lot.

I am not a religious person but, I do find people and the way in which we deal with things we do not really understand very interesting.

I guess I will never really believe in them until I witness them for myself. Just call me Scully, lol.

Scott Henderson Photography

AS: Besides modeling what do you do to pass the time?

CVT: To be honest, given that I have a 'day job', modeling and acting take up a lot of my spare time now. I do allow myself time to go on walks, see live bands, watch horror movies, & spend time with the boyface. But, I have to admit most of my spare time is spent networking online and arranging shoots. This is what happens when you have a real passion for something.

Latex: Fetasia Latex
Photographer: 1 click photography

Want more Collette?
Model Mayhem
TAMD Port Page

Full Photo Credits (top to bottom)

Photo 1 & 2

Photography: Scott Chalmers Photography
Model: Collette Von Tora
Hair and Makeup: Vintage Hair Lounge
Outfit: Cathouse Clothing

Photo 3

Photos: Pathway Studios(Colin Grist)
Outfit: Fetasia Latex
Makeup: Collette Von Tora

Photo 4

Stills from Video from Cole Black of Latex Girls HD
Outfit: Shhh! Couture
Wig: Wonderland Wigs
Photographer on shoot: Jef Photography

Photo 5

Photography and Editing: Scott Henderson Photography
Model: Collette Von Tora
MUA: Jez Hunt
Vicar: Jez Hunt

Photo 6

Photos by: 1 Click Photography
Outfit: Fetasia Latex
Models: Collette Von Tora
Hair: Ac Hc (Andreas)
MUA: Fozia

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